Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Father and Son

Here is an acrylic painting that I did of a father and son.  I am really proud of the way I captured their likeness.  My son said the the football shirt looked cool.  I am really getting the hand of acrylics.  I like their quick drying nature...acrylics force the artist to be "real".  As an artist, you don't have time to over think the painting. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I guess I'm back to blogging

Well a week ago I worked two long days at the Green River Fest in Greenfield, MA.  It was a blast.  Emmy Lou Harris was the headliner.  She was one hot mama and brought the house down at 64.  I cannot believe how busy I was especially on Saturday.  Started drawing at 1:45 and I never stopped until 10:15 pm.  I didn't get up once....not once.   I can't believe I didn't even go to the bathroom.  I enjoyed drawing everyone.  I can't believe how far people came from.  Upstate New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, and of course Greenfield.  Sleep was long this past Monday.  Here is a pic of me at work last weekend

Sunday, May 22, 2011

God, I hate when that happens!

Don't you just hate the end of the world.  I mean really the dude who said the world was ending picked a heck of a time to forecast the Rapture.  NBA playoffs....Stanley Cup Championship...Red Sox and Yankees fighting for first place...spring blooming in New England. can you ruin the world and forecast the apocolypse at a time like this.  Jumpin Jack Horner, this is a terrible time for a if anytime really is good for doomsday.  Now if the boys aint playing football in September, then we can discuss Rapture.  A couple of, the rapture occured and no was brought up into heaven because there are no pure of heart. If you  believe in this sort of thing, then that possibility exists.  Two, since the Rapture didn't occur, how do you tell your congregation you picked the wrong day for the end of the that is a real big oops.  Fear not I no why the rapture did not occur.  Jesus is an NBA fan!!  Here is a cartoon I drew to help out all those in utter disbelief about yesterday!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who Dat?

Yahooowww.....the Boston Bruins won a tonight in an awesome hockey and star was born in the Garden as well.  Tyler Seguin a four point night.  We need to feed that lightning in a bottle the puck and let him fly!  Fantastic game and effort by a 19 year old kid.  Can't wait for Thursday.  Tampa, here we come.  Here's quick airbrushing I popped off in about 15 minutes.  Game 3 baby.  Bring it on!

Hey...he didn't run.

I may not be a smart man but I know what a phony is.  I just need to know how people like Donald Trump lives the life he lives and the rest of us live the life we live.  Not that I want to be Donald or anything, but I must ask...How does one manage to aquire that kind of wealth and power, and be so filled with hot air?  The man makes so many outrageous statements and people trust him with their millions....go figure?  Anyway I whipped of a quick five minute sketch in honor of nation, which will be spared the magic hair and gold plated ego.  Here's to Donald not running...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This is one of my favorite airbrushed caricatures that I have ever done.  The subject is Paul Stanley and it is currently in the private collection of very rabid KISS fan.  I have only taken a picture of the Paul's face but I also included a body on this work.  Maybe someday I can get a picture of this work with the owner and post them both on this sight.  For more caricature work please stop by!


Greetings world.  Here is my first post from Caricatures by Bill, the caricature business I am launching this summer.  My wife might claim that this new adventure is a result of a midlife crisis, but in reality, I have two kids (and soon a third) attending reallly expensive colleges.  I have been a cartoonist all my life and its about time I get serious about my passion.  My first example of caricature art to the blogging world is about Donald Trump--an easy target for cartoonist these days!!  I was inspired by this cartoon after reading this article from John Avalon on the Daily Beast