Sunday, May 22, 2011

God, I hate when that happens!

Don't you just hate the end of the world.  I mean really the dude who said the world was ending picked a heck of a time to forecast the Rapture.  NBA playoffs....Stanley Cup Championship...Red Sox and Yankees fighting for first place...spring blooming in New England. can you ruin the world and forecast the apocolypse at a time like this.  Jumpin Jack Horner, this is a terrible time for a if anytime really is good for doomsday.  Now if the boys aint playing football in September, then we can discuss Rapture.  A couple of, the rapture occured and no was brought up into heaven because there are no pure of heart. If you  believe in this sort of thing, then that possibility exists.  Two, since the Rapture didn't occur, how do you tell your congregation you picked the wrong day for the end of the that is a real big oops.  Fear not I no why the rapture did not occur.  Jesus is an NBA fan!!  Here is a cartoon I drew to help out all those in utter disbelief about yesterday!

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